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Montreal, Laval, Riv Sud Ceramic Floor and Wall tiles

Tile sizes uMake Montreal_edited.jpg


Architects, Interior Designers, Tile manufacturers and builders, most of the time will refer to a tile as the nominal size.

Image shows a tile description: 


90 x 90 cm

36 in x 36 in


It is important to measure the actual tile, ideally with verniers. If you want to match different tiles from different manufactures, the smallest difference in the width of a tile can cause a compounding error that is visible when installed. 

The Kerf of the Waterjet head is between 0.030 in and 0.050 in (0.76 mm and 1.27 mm). is able to increase the width of the kerf to 1.3-1.6 mm which is close to the grout thickness of 1/16. 

Floor tiles measuring and cutting
tile layout.jpg
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